20210213 Swan dies in frozen canal in Berlin { 14 images } Created 13 Feb 2021
On a Februar day images of a dead swan stuck in the ice of the Landwer canal started to appear in the social networks. With in a day flowrs were dipersed around the carcas, and the site of death became a point of interest to the people walking along the frozen canal, with many try to speculate the cause of death, assuming the cold contributed as Germany was experiencing extreme winter weather as part of a polar vortex, with temperatures going well beneath freezing. After 3 days local authorities removed the swan from the ice and closed the section under the bridge to prevent people from gathering on the ice in one spot. On August, comment was left unter a post with one of the images on my account: "I passed that bridge when he was still alive...he flew to pass underneath the bridge but it was pretty dark already and he crashed against the bridge leaving his neck broken. We couldn't help him as the ice was still too thin to walk on it. Was very sad" yet I cannot confirm it.